Children of Vulnerable Families Program (CVF):

The program aims to mainstream & educate the children of incarcerated families after the age of 6 years; ensure their all-round development through various interventions to help them accomplish their academic, social, emotional goals and save them from becoming a victim of their parental incarceration. 

Over the last few years, with continued policy changes related to child welfare at the state and national levels, the India Vision Foundation has been slowly transitioning to the Family Support Model. In the light of new regulations and initiatives of the government for strengthening childcare institutions, India vision Foundation sees more scope in this model.

Children of Vulnerable Families Program aims to mainstream & educate the children of incarcerated families after the age of 6 years; ensure their all-around well-being & development through the intervention of uninterrupted education and psychosocial well-being to help them accomplish their academic, social, and emotional goals, and save them from becoming a victim of their Parental Incarceration

IVF Theory of change


Lives that were inspired and saved

Over the years, India Vision Foundation has impacted over 4,61,170 people and will continue to inspire and save.